Teacher Learning: A Beginning

by: Anne Tweed
edited by: NSTA Press/McREL

The Content-Understanding-Environment instructional framework presented in this book is meant to add some tools to your toolbox. Many of the tools are ones that you already use, but others may be sitting on your workbench waiting for a chance to be put to good use or may be brand-new to your toolbox. Therefore, the authors’ message in this final chapter is to encourage you to try to use the right tools to help reach out to your students and solve your instructional problems. Using the right tool may require expanding the box of tools at your disposal as well as getting additional outside help. Whatever the case, ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away is almost always a sure recipe for a bigger fix-it project down the road.


Type Book ChapterPub Date 11/1/2009Stock # PB243X_5

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