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Displaying children's science learning

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2008-09-11

One way I like to show the science learning that goes on in school is by posting my photos or children’s work under headings borrowed from, or inspired by, Barbara Lehn in her book What is a Scientist? (1999. Millbrook Press, with photographs by Carol Krauss). Throughout the year the posted pictures change, and gradually fill up each category (some are harder to capture on paper than others). The last category, “Scientists have fun” usually fills first. Children love to look at the photos and reminisce about past activities.
Here are Lehn’s categories and two I added:

  • A scientist is a person who asks questions and tries different ways to answer them.
  • A scientist learns from her senses.
  • A scientist notices details.
  • A scientist draws what she sees.
  • A scientist writes about what happens.
  • A scientist makes comparisons by measuring.
  • A scientist must count exactly.
  • A scientist looks at objects carefully to decide how to sort.
  • A scientist designs experiments to test predictions.
  • A scientist experiments by trial and error.
  • A scientist thinks logically.
  • A scientist keeps trying over and over.
  • *A scientist collaborates with others.
  • *A scientist lists what she thinks she knows.
  • A scientist has fun.

*My additions.

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