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Keeping up with technology

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2008-05-12

Doesn’t it seem like there’s always something new in technology? How can we keep up with what’s going on? I’ve found a resource that can be very helpful: TipLine – Gates’ Computer Tips. This award-winning blog is written by Jim Gates (no relation to Bill), who is a technology trainer/coach and a former teacher. I’ve added this to my Google Reader, so that every day, when Jim adds a brief “tip” it appears! And you can check out the archive (dating back to 2005) to find other topics of interest.
He notes that reading blogs is a new form of professional development. Yes, there are a lot of trivial blogs, but check out the list he has. Fortunately, he is willing to pass along what he learns to the rest of us. Now, if there were only more hours in the day to read these!

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