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Dynamic Duo

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2009-03-19

When I saw that the Planetary Society was sponsoring a session with Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson, I assumed that each would take the podium for a while. But those of us in the audience were treated to these two as dynamic copresenters! Their sense of humor did not detract form the importance of their message: Why We Need to Study Earth from Space. Both of these scientists are strong advocates for quality science education that will “change the world” – an important message since the future scientists in America are in our classrooms right now. After their discussion (about which several in the audience wondered if a recording would be available), they took questions from the audience. They also wondered how many science teachers we could remember who made a diffference in our lives. Some could recall 4 or 5. How many can you name?

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