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NSTA President Juliana Texley Thanks Volunteers Retiring from Committees, Advisory Boards, and Review Panels

By Juliana Texley

Posted on 2015-05-26

names of NSTA volunteers for 2015

They say it takes a village to raise a child. And when it comes to giving all children a science education, it takes the huge professional community within the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). Each year, hundreds of educators volunteer their time and talents to make the many programs and services of the association possible.

It’s time to celebrate these many volunteers. In our official governance structure we have 10 Board Members, 18 District Directors, a Treasurer, and a Parliamentarian to direct our work along with the three members of the presidential chain to form a continuous and “well-oiled” team. Fourteen standing committees, seventeen advisory boards, three review panels all require the generous contributions of members to support the governing bodies. Our Alliance of Affiliates includes 9 partner organizations with whom we coordinate efforts. And then each year there are special activities like position statements and strategic planning that bring even more contributors to NSTA.

On May 31, some of these professionals will cycle off their current responsibilities and others will take their places. It’s an appropriate time to send special thanks to the people listed below and to all those who work to improve science education. Virtually nothing we do could be accomplished without these volunteers, and the work of the President would be impossible without all that support.

In many ways this has been a special year. Our theme and goal was “breaking down walls.” To that end NSTA initiated many new efforts in cooperation with other educational groups. That meant extra time and work. Just a few examples: The International Committee organized an expanded “global conversation;” The Multicultural Division lead a meeting of a dozen groups to consider “equity through STEM;” The Building Task Force waded through several dozen options for improving the facility in which NSTA operates. These and many other efforts required work above and beyond the normal scope of responsibility of NSTA’s volunteers. In every case, the community asked and generous professionals responded.

At the end of each year the incoming President gets reports on committee activities; the scope of that work is invariably astounding. Members and representatives of local and regional groups often take advantage of the expertise that these volunteers have brought to our table. The best place to start is your District Director, who can link those who need special support with the volunteer team that specializes in that area.

At the end of the 2014-2015 association year, it is also time to offer special thanks to Retiring President Bill Badders. He has been a tireless advocate for literacy and for the vital role of science in the elementary curriculum. His influence on our programs and policies won’t be forgotten.

Take some time to thank a volunteer near you. (Their names, positions and contributions are on the NSTA website.) And while you are doing so, consider how you might volunteer in the future. Mary Gromko, who will be President-Elect on June 1, will be looking for more generous and talented professionals to continue our momentum in the years to come.

Retiring Committee, Advisory Board, and Review Panel Members

Standing Committees

College: Shiv Dhar,  James Neufell, and Bjorn Wolter

Coordination: Marilyn Decker, John Olson, and Martha Winegarner

High School: Doug Damery, Mary Glodowski, and Wanda Pagonis

Informal: Kenneth Hoffman, Karen Maher, and Yvonne McCulley

Middle Level: Matt Cieslik, Sharon Cumiskey, and David Pettit

Multicultural: Sue Ford, Mimi Halferty, and Krishna Millsapp

Preschool-Elementary: Gerald Darling, Ann Lopez, and Julie McGough

Preservice: Kathleen Blouch, Michael Mahan, Leanne Moorman, and Rebecca Cordeiro

NSTA Teacher Accreditation: Bambi Bailey and Susan Courson

Professional Development: Bernard Franks, Debbie Jackson, and Wendy Jackson

Research: Gail Dickinson, Eugene Judson, and Jeff Thomas

Audit: Donald Kline

Awards: J. Carrie Launius, Craig Gabler, and Suzanne Flynn

Budget: Patricia Simmons

Nominations: Elizabeth Mulkerrin, Herbert Brunkhorst, Hector Ibarra, Deborah Nygard, and Linda Lacy

Advisory Boards

Aerospace: Wendi Laurence, Bianca Deliberto, and Aaron Eling

Conference: Lynda Sanders

Development: Jean Tushie

International: Helmut Albrecht, Gregory Imbur, and Nirmala Ramlakhan

Investment: John Penick

JCST: Anthony Derriso, Apryl Nenortas, and John Sode

NSTA Reports: Amy Larrison, Gillan Renee, and Clary Katie Morrison

Retired: Ed Linz, Virginia Baltay, and Norm Schmidt

Science and Children: Michelle Daml, Susan McWilliams, and Linda Lee Smith

Science Matters: Anita Bernhardt, Justin Brosnahan, and Beverly Frommel

Science Safety: Kenneth Carlson and Sandra Moody

Science Scope: Charity Embley, Carol Kraft, and Venita McDonald

Special Needs: Zena Johnston, Justin Leonard, and Mary Smigel

Technology: Kathy Gorski, Cherry Brewton, and Barbara Pietrucha

TST: Lisa Ballard, Rebecca Austin, and Miles McGeehan

Urban Science: Pamela Chapman, Karen Lionberger, and Steven Wade

Review Panels

CBC: Brian Hamilton, Jean Pelezo, and Stephanie Selznick

New Science Teachers: Lovelle Ruggiero and Michelle Harrison

Shell: Gary Koppelman, Marilyn Richardson, and Page Keeley

Dr. Juliana Texley is the president of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). She began serving her one-year term on June 1, 2014. Texley is currently an instructor at Lesley University, Palm Beach State College, and Central Michigan University. Most recently, Texley worked with a number of stakeholder groups to review the Next Generation Science Standards and developed curriculum for JASON/National Geographic.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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