Book Club
When you sign up for or renew your NSTA membership, select the book club membership option.
You’ll get to choose three books from the options below on topics readers love—NGSS, STEM, literacy, assessment, and more. Choose your three books from any grade level and then wait for them to arrive on your doorstep while enjoying all of your other NSTA member benefits.

Instructional Sequence Matters, Grades 3–5: Explore Before Explain
by: Patrick Brown

Universal Design for Learning Science: Reframing Elementary Instruction in Physical Science
by: Deborah Hanuscin and Delinda van Garderen

Novel Engineering, K–8: An Integrated Approach to Engineering and Literacy
by: Elissa Milto, Merredith Portsmore, Mary McCormick, Jessica Watkins, and Morgan Hynes

Wind Energy, Grade 5: STEM Road Map for Elementary School
edited by: Carla C. Johnson, Janet B. Walton, and Erin Peters-Burton

Teaching Science Through Trade Books
by: Christine Anne Royce, Emily Morgan, and Karen Ansberry