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Call for Papers

Science Scope


Write for our award-winning journal

Enhance middle school science teaching with your experience.


Special Issue on Data Science in the Science Classroom
Guest Editors: Colby Tofel-Grehl and Justice Walker

The data revolution is underway and has had myriad impacts on society and culture. Children today face novel opportunities and challenges as they navigate an increasingly data-centric world.  With each click, their worldly activities are noted, quantified, and distilled into data representation of who they are and in a way that no generation has ever experienced before. As rapidly as their engagement with data changes, so too are the literacies they need to navigate it safely and as critically engaged citizens. Data science and data science literacy represent productive frames for how we might prioritize efforts to support learners in their development in agency in connection to data. 

However, few in service teachers have, to date, engaged data science as part of their professional development or preservice teacher training. Thus, it proves challenging for teachers to develop and curate resources for students around best data science practices within science. In response to this challenge, Science and Children, Science Scope, and The Science Teacher are partnering to put forth a set of special issues to provide space for science educators and science education researchers to share perspectives and resources regarding data science in the science classroom across ages.  Papers and lessons are welcomed on a wide range of data science topics such as data science inquiry and skill development, culturally responsive data sets and practices, critical data literacy, data collection with children, and data visualization. Please adhere to the word limits and author guidelines for the specific journal you are submitting to. If you have any questions, please contact the guest editors at or

  • Call for Papers: end of June 2024

  • Extended Abstracts Due: October 2024

  • Abstract Decisions: December 2024

  • Paper Submissions: March 2025

  • Final Decisions: June 2025

  • Revisions Due: August 2025

  • Full Special Issue to Editor: November 2025

  • Special Issue Out: January 2026

Submit Your Manuscript

Please read our manuscript guidelines before submitting your manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically; once online, follow the steps for New Author Registration.


Your 2000-word manuscript should describe a set of connected lessons or investigations that build an idea or content area


Include assessments (pre-, post- and formative) as well as enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lessons in the classroom


Examples of student work are encouraged


Contact Field Editor Patty McGinnis at


Not ready to pen a feature article?

Consider writing a column. These shorter, focused pieces are the perfect way to share your experiences with the wider middle school science community.

General Interest Manuscripts

Submission deadline: Ongoing

Manuscripts of general interest, not targeted to a specific theme, are published in every issue of Science Scope.


Submission deadline: Ongoing

Commentaries of approximately 750 words on any middle level science education topic can be submitted at any time.

Letters to the Editor

Submission deadline: Ongoing

Have you used an activity published in Science Scope in the last year, or liked—or disliked—something you read in the journal? We welcome your comments and feedback at any time.

Integrating Technology

Submission deadline: Ongoing

Do you have a time-management strategy that relies on the use of technology or a favorite app to engage learners? Science Scope readers want to know how you use technology for assessment, student learning, or classroom management. Submit your idea in 1,200 words or less. Supporting materials such as screenshots, screencasts, and rubrics are welcome.

Science on a Shoestring

Submission deadline: Ongoing

Have you created inexpensive lab equipment or models to ensure that your students have opportunities to experience lab investigations and other activities critical to learning science? If so, consider sharing your ideas with Science Scope readers. All Science on a Shoestring submissions should be safe for use in the classroom and should include an introduction that explains the connection to the curriculum, as well as a list of materials and their approximate cost, a photograph of the equipment or model, assembly instructions, and tips for use in the classroom.

Teacher's Toolkit

Submission deadline: Ongoing

In this column, you can share your how-to instructional strategies, practical advice, and classroom applicable results of action research with fellow middle level teachers. Tell us how you efficiently navigate today’s vast quantity of resources and websites to craft new lesson plans or to redesign/update older lessons to improve student achievement. What research-based practices do you use to guide your teaching? What are you doing to become familiar with the K–12 Framework for Science Education and prepare for the Next Generation Science Standards?

Classic Lessons 2.0

Submission deadline: Ongoing

Do you have a favorite classroom activity that you've updated to reflect current technology tools or the Next Generation Science Standards? Tell us what is special about the activity and describe the changes you have implemented that make the activity better than the original. Be sure to tell us how your lesson generates student excitement and promotes 3D learning.

Making in the Middle

Submission deadline: Ongoing

Do you have a science classroom activity that focuses on maker spaces, engineering, 3D printing, coding, robotics, or electronics? How about advice on how to fund a maker space, tie an engineering activity into your science curriculum, or maintain your new 3D printer? Science Scope is interested in publishing your ideas related to the maker space movement, specifically your easily replicable activities that use low-cost materials and have a strong connection to the science curriculum or to STEM. All manuscripts need to incorporate safety concerns as well as a list of materials and their cost. Supporting documentation such as rubrics, photographs, and "how-to" videos are encouraged.

Practical Research

Submission deadline: Ongoing

Do you have relevant research to share with middle school science teachers? Perhaps you are you a teacher who has conducted action research in your classroom? Science Scope readers are looking for ideas that demonstrate how they can apply research results to their classroom. Consider submitting a brief, practical overview of your research findings as they relate to pedagogy, technology integration, differentiation, special needs populations, or assessment in the middle school classroom. Submit your manuscript in 1000 words or less.

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