Institutes & Courses
National Conference in Denver • Mar. 20-23, 2024
Dive deeper into a critical area of interest and shape your expertise.
These full-day workshops provide a more intimate and interactive environment for learning and networking with other attendees.
You may add an Institute or Course to your conference registration or purchase as a stand-alone ticket

Professional Learning Institutes and Short Courses
Preconference • Wednesday, March 20 • 8:15 AM - 3:15 PM
Denver Convention Center • Rooms TBD
Deepen your knowledge of effective, research-based approaches that increase equitable participation and student achievement in the classroom at NSTA’s Professional Learning Institutes and Short Courses! Join colleagues and leading experts in science education, professional learning, instructional materials, and assessment during these immersive learning sessions, for an opportunity to engage in important and timely topics in depth.
Upgrade Your Conference Experience with the Following Programs
Professional Learning Institutes (PLIs)

Professional Learning Institute #1
OpenSciEd High School Biology Unit B.1 Curriculum Launch Workshop Series

Professional Learning Institute #2
OpenSciEd Middle School
Teachers, Coaches, and Administrators Revealing Students' Brilliance

Professional Learning Institute #3
Introducing OpenSciEd High School
Helping Students See Science and Engineering in Meaningful Phenomena and Problems

Professional Learning Institute #4
What Makes a High-Quality, Equitable Three-Dimensional Science Assessment and How Can You Create and Use Them?

Professional Learning Institute #5
Transforming Science Teaching and Learning
Building Capacity for Curriculum Adaptation