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Malaria Treatment and Prevention Worldwide

By Jasmine S. Castillo, Alexander H. Cotter, Christiana A. Mejia, Andrew Nguyen, Aubrie J. Perry, Michael A. Pimentel, Alana T. Porat, Yasmine Yadollahi, Andrea C. Nicholas

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This case study was written to teach students about malaria, an infectious disease transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquitoes that thrive in tropical and subtropical regions. The case is divided into two sections. The first familiarizes students with the basics of the disease by engaging them in a role-play exercise involving a patient who presents with malaria to a medical provider in an urgent care clinic. The second begins with an index card game designed to simulate the efficacy of various prevention methods (indoor spraying, bed nets, and antimalarial drugs) in countries with a high risk of malaria today (Brazil, Cameroon, and India).  Students analyze the factors causing the persistence of malaria, compare and contrast different prevention methods, and identify key symptoms and treatment methods for the disease. The case is intended for use by high school biology students and undergraduate lower-division biology or public health students taking an epidemiology course.


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  • Identify different malaria vectors depending on the region.
  • Identify key characteristics of regions where malaria is most prevalent.
  • Discover risk factors associated with the spread of malaria.
  • Learn about several malaria prevention methods and the efficacy of these prevention methods.
  • Understand why individuals with sickle cell anemia are resistant to malaria.
  • Identify symptoms associated with malaria and the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan to help these patients.
  • Think critically to collect data, analyze, discuss, and problem-solve a presented outbreak.
  • Extrapolate lessons learned to control of emerging and re-emerging parasites spread by insect vectors.


Malaria; plasmodium; epidemic; Anopheles; mosquito; prevention; parasite; net; Cameroon; India; Australia; Brazil; drug resistance; spraying


Subject Headings

Biology (General)
Medicine (General)
Public Health
Science (General)


High school, Undergraduate lower division






Policy issues, Social justice issues






Directed, Discussion, Role-Play, Game/Simulation



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