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The Perilous Plight of the Pika

By Fleur M. Ferro

The Perilous Plight of the Pika



This interrupted case study addresses several concepts related to climate change and its effect on the American pika. Often called an indicator species for climate change, the pika has a unique set of variables specific to its environment. Factors such as temperature, snowpack, and vegetation can affect the distribution and ultimately the chances of survival. The case was designed for use in a "flipped" classroom in which students prepare in advance outside of class by filling out a worksheet while watching a video. The video, created by the author of the case, provides students with baseline information that they apply in class to come up with key ideas and predictions, followed by analysis of actual data to test the hypotheses they develop. The case study incorporates group discussion, analysis of experimental design, and data evaluation as central activities and can be taught in a single 50 minute class session. The case was designed for use in a large introductory-level class, but is also appropriate for smaller classes.


Date Posted




  • Describe environmental requirements for animals living in alpine tundra ecosystems.
  • Understand how having narrow ranges of physiological requirements can be detrimental if/when the environment changes.
  • Describe how different selective pressures can cause organisms to either adapt or move to a new location.
  • Pose hypotheses to investigate climate change and its effects on the American pika.
  • Analyze and interpret research results.


American pika; climate change; genetic bottleneck; abiotic factors; Southern Rocky Mountains; Colorado;


Subject Headings

Biology (General)
Botany / Plant Science
Climatology / Meteorology
Environmental Science
Science (General)
Wildlife Management


High school, Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division, General public & informal education



PDF, PowerPoint, Excel



Policy issues, Scientific method, Regulatory issues, Scientific argumentation






Analysis (Issues), Directed, Flipped



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