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  • Engineering in the Life Sciences, 9–12

    NSTA Press Book |

    When the authors of this book took part in Project INFUSE, the National Science Foundation–funded teacher development program, they noticed something. Life science teachers were highly receptive to engineering ideas…

  • Life Science

    Book Chapter |

    For decades, many of the nation’s life science classrooms have been anything but lively. Biology has been criticized for being content heavy, overloaded with vocabulary, and tested by rote. Six to seven hundred pages of…

  • “Life” Science

    Book Chapter |

    In this chapter, the objective of the activity “A Plant’s Life” is to observe and document the life cycle of an organism. Chapters 1 and 2 are also included in this book selection. Chapter 1 focuses on science inquiry…

  • Online Extras: A Head Start on Life Science

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    Online Extras: A Head Start on Life Science If you have purchased A Head Start on Life Science, you can view the accompanying materials online. These resources are for your personal use only and are not to be redistributed. To view the online extras, please type in the second word in the body text on page 53 of A Head…

  • A Head Start on Life Science: Encouraging a Sense of Wonder

    NSTA Press Book |

    Nurture curiosity and even joy in the youngest scientists. The 24 inquiry-based lessons in this lively collection show you how. The activities are organized into sections on animals, plants, and nature walks. Rather…

  • Uncovering Student Ideas Probes Life Science

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    Uncovering Student Ideas Probes Life Science

  • Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Life Science

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    Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Life Science NSTA and ADI have agreed to discontinue our publishing arrangement. Online Extra resources will not be available from NSTA after 12/31/2023. Please contact for more information.

  • Everyday Life Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching

    NSTA Press Book |

    How do tiny bugs get into oatmeal? What makes children look like—or different from—their parents? Where do rotten apples go after they fall off the tree? By presenting everyday mysteries like these, this book will…

  • Online Extras: Engineering in the Life Sciences, 9–12

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    Online Extras: Engineering in the Life Sciences, 9–12 If you have purchased Engineering in the Life Sciences, you can view the accompanying additional materials and full-color images online. These resources are for your personal use only and are not to be redistributed. To view the online extras, please type in the…

  • Problem-Based Learning in the Life Science Classroom, K–12

    NSTA Press Book |

    Problem-Based Learning in the Life Science Classroom, K–12 offers a great new way to ignite your creativity. Authors Tom McConnell, Joyce Parker, and Janet Eberhardt show you how to engage students with scenarios that…

  • Summertime fun with Life Science!

    Journal Article |

    In this issue of Tech Talk, learn about two terrific life science apps, Rewild the World from Google Arts and Culture and Engage your learners in NGSS Science and Engineering practices of Developing and…

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