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  • Other Health Impairments

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    Other Health Impairments According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004, a student can qualify for special education services under the coding of “Other Health Impairment” (OHI), defined as “having limited strength, vitality, or alertness, including a heightened alertness…

  • Working With Others

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    Team teachers need to recognize the importance of establishing positive relationships with school professionals, principals, and parents. These relationships can be accomplished by focusing on establishing communication…

  • Interacting with other Organisms

    Book Chapter |

    Life on Earth forms a complex web. Each organism depends on others for its health and well being. This section explores how such relationships are essential for maintaining balanced ecosystems. Students conduct…

  • The Bulge on the Other Side of Earth

    Book Chapter |

    The bulge of water on the side of Earth that faces the Moon is easily explained. It is due to the gravitational attraction between the Moon and Earth, including the water on Earth. The difference on the horizontal…

  • Gravity in Other Planetary Systems

    Book Chapter |

    The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about gravity. The probe is designed to find out if students recognize the effect of mass on gravitational attraction, and that neither a planet’s spin…

  • Balloons and Other Things That Sometimes Float

    Book Chapter |

    Hot air balloons float--sometimes. Regular old balloons that you get at a party float--sometimes. Boats float--sometimes. What makes them float and what makes them sink? How can a boat made of steel float but a solid…

  • Solar Eclipses From Other Points of View

    Journal Article |

  • Megamovie 2024: A Project to Eclipse All Others

    Journal Article |

  • Reporting Progress to Parents and Others: Beyond Grades

    Book Chapter |

    As science education moves increasingly in the direction of teaching to standards, teachers call for classroom assessment techniques that provide a richer source of “rigorous and wise diagnostic information.” Student-to…

  • The Numbers Game: Are Some Measures Better Than Others?

    Book Chapter |

    In this chapter, readers see how Marie and Monique want to make the strongest magnet possible and had various ideas for how to do so. They wonder whether the number of times you stroked the tube made a difference. They…

  • What Happens If You Use the Other End of the Magnet?

    Book Chapter |

    The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about magnetic interactions. It is designed to find out whether students think the pole of a magnet determines whether it will attract or repel magnetic…

  • Harnessing the Business Community and Other Entities to Support the Vision of the NGSS

    Book Chapter |

    This chapter is by Chih-Che Tai, Ryan Nivens, Laura Robertson, Karin Keith, Anant Godbole, and Jack Rhoton. They discuss strategies the East Tennessee State University Center of Excellence in Mathematics and Science…

  • How Is STEM Education Reform Different From Other Education Reforms?

    Book Chapter |

    “How is this education reform different from any other reform?” In the context of this chapter, the answer to this question is what differentiates STEM reform from other reforms, such as the Sputnik era. This chapter…

  • Frogs Need Homes and Other Ecological Lessons

    Journal Article |

  • Why is that Pole Wet on One Side and Not the Other?: Transitioning to Phenomenon and Problem-Driven Teaching in Kindergarten

    Journal Article |

    This paper discusses two teachers’ experiences implementing a phenomenon and problem-driven curriculum for the first time in two kindergarten classes. It describes how teachers shifted their teaching to support students…

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