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  • Scope on Safety: Fire safety fundamentals

    Journal Article |

    Planning and prevention is the best defense against fires in school. This is particularly true in the science laboratory due to the presence of flammable gases, liquids, combustibles, and other potential sources of fire…

  • Scope on Safety: Safety is always in fashion

    Journal Article |

    Unfortunately, what looks good on the runway often clashes with the science laboratory when it comes to safety. Therefore, given the potential risks associated with science activities in lab and on field experiences at…

  • Scope on Safety: Monitoring for Safety's Sake

    Journal Article |

    This column shares safety information for your classroom. This month’s issue discusses practices that can possibly have negative safety consequences in a laboratory environment.

  • Safety First!

    Journal Article |

    Working with young children and chemicals requires attention to safety. This article details the experiences of a third-grade teacher who used a “disaster” to create a hands-on inquiry that introduces children to…

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