Wild Wonderings: Scientists and Their Questions
NSTA Press Book |
Click here to view video of Wild Wonderings Let your curiosity run wild! This lively book will inspire you to ask questions like scientists do. Why? Because questions can lead you to amazing discoveries. Like…
Science Notebooks in Student-Centered Classrooms
NSTA Press Book |
Thinking made visible: That’s what happens when elementary students record their thoughts in science notebooks. This practical guide shows how notebooks can become a tangible record of their emerging understanding of…
NSTA Press Book |
REVERE Award Winner, PreK-12 Learning Group, Association of American Publishers! Great news for multitasking middle school teachers: Science educators Terry Shiverdecker and Jessica Fries-Gaither can help you blend…
Advocating for Science from Within the Classroom
Journal Article |
Inquiring Scientists, Inquiring Readers: Using Nonfiction to Promote Science Literacy, Grades 3–5
NSTA Press Book |
Winner of the Distinguished Achievement Award from PreK-12 Learning Group, Association of American Publishers! In Inquiring Scientists, Inquiring Readers, science educators Jessica Fries-Gaither and Terry…
Growing Students' Meaning-Making
Journal Article |
In this sensemaking lesson, K–2 students explore how different factors influence seed germination and explain the elements necessary to sprout. Notebook strategies are embedded throughout the explore-before-explain…
Science & Children Editorial Board
Journal Article |
New NSTA Kids™ Book Inspires Students to Ask Questions and Make Discoveries
Press Release |
Science Notebooks in Student Centered Classrooms: Capstone
Professional Learning Course Module |
Course Goals Build an understanding of how sensemaking is supported by the use of science notebooks by exploring the purposes and features of science notebooks; the organizational continuum of teacher-…
New NSTA Book Shows the Power of Science Notebooks to Engage K–5 Students
Press Release |
Science Notebooks in Student-Centered Classrooms: Module 1: Using Science Notebooks for Sensemaking
Professional Learning Course Module |
Science notebooks are a powerful and flexible tool to support students’ sensemaking. The science notebook creates a space for students to document their thinking, develop and revise models, plan investigations, and…
Science Notebooks in Student-Centered Classrooms: Module 1: Using Science Notebooks for Sensemaking
Professional Learning Unit |
In this module, you will examine various ways scientists use science notebooks and a science notebook strategy to experience the critical components of sensemaking.