Focus on Physics: How E = mc2 Helps Us Understand Nuclear Fission and Fusion
Blog Post |
Nuclear physics has an undeserved reputation for being tough for students. This article may reduce this “toughness” by showing how Einstein’s familiar equation E = mc2 relates to the reductions in mass and enormous…
Journal Article |
Exploring the Effects of a Neglected Area
Journal Article |
One of the major challenges of teaching science has been engaging students in discussions of concepts due to lack of perceived relevancy of topics to students’ individual goals and societal issues. Science has been…
Spicing Up Your Classroom With Games
Journal Article |
Games allow teachers to interact with their students in a different way than they normally do. They also have the potential to challenge and assess students’ understanding of content. Games allow me to “play” with my…
Lesson Plan |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about transfer of energy. The probe is designed to determine whether students recognize that heat flows from warmer objects or areas to cooler ones.
From the Field: Events and Opportunities, February 23, 2021
Reports Article |
Case Study |