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  • STEM20: Virtual Event

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    STEM20: Virtual Event

  • Best STEM Books K–12

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    Best STEM Books K–12 Reading science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) trade books is the perfect way for students to develop literacy skills while learning STEM content. Building upon a strong legacy of several decades of recommending outstanding science trade books, the National Science Teachers Association (…

  • STEM21

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  • STEM21 Marketplace

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    STEM21 Marketplace

  • STEM21 FAQ

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    STEM21 FAQ

  • STEM21 Speakers

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    STEM21 Speakers

  • Designing Meaningful STEM Lessons

    NSTA Press Book |

    Sure, there are lots of cool STEM activities you can use in class. But do they really help your students learn science? This book shows you how to take lessons you’re already familiar with and, through small changes, do…

  • Bringing STEM to the Elementary Classroom

    NSTA Press Book |

    Many resources help you encourage young children to learn about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). But only this book of quality STEM experiences was curated by the veteran educator who edits Science and…

  • STEM Student Research Handbook

    NSTA Press Book |

    This comprehensive resource for STEM teachers and students, outlines the various stages of large-scale research projects, enabling teachers to coach their students through the research process. This handbook provides…

  • STEM Teachers, STEM Classrooms, STEM Schools

    Book Chapter |

    Over the course of the early 21st century, STEM has enjoyed a bandwagon effect as the brand strengthens. In this chapter, purists and pioneers have put structures in place to establish a certain standard that upholds…

  • Best STEM Books 2021

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    Best STEM Books 2021 Winning Titles Ada Lovelace (The First Names Series) Ben Jeapes Illustrated by Nick Ward ABRAMS / Abrams Books for Young Readers How did the first computer come to be? Explore Ada Lovelace's determination, imagination, and amazing life as she becomes the brains behind…

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