The 5R Instructional Model for Science Instruction for Emerging Multilinguals

by: Molly Weinburgh, Cecilia Silva, and Kathy Horak Smith

In our effort to support inquiry-based lessons and hybrid language learning, we developed the 5R Instructional Model. This chapter outlines the Model in general terms, and envisions it as an instructional tool for designing lessons that provide scaffolds to support Emergent Multilingual Learners (EMLs) in science classes. We revisit and extend the concept of scaffolding, and we end the chapter by introducing the components of the 5R Instructional Model. We recommend reading Chapter 1, which is included in this book selection and serves as an introduction and overview to Chapters 2–10. A materials list, teacher background information, safety notes, and standards are provided. This book selection also includes the Table of Contents, Dedication, Preface, About the Authors, Our Stories, References, and Index.


Type Book ChapterPub Date 5/10/2019Pages 40Stock # PB446X.4

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