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NSTA Los Angeles Conference

Onsite Information


Today's Announcements

Beyond Labz logo

Visit Beyond Labz at our NSTA booth, see lab creator Brian Woodfield's workshop demo of the product and enter to win an Apple watch.

HMH logo

HMH Science Dimensions K-12 live demo walk-through at: 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM. Come join the tour and visit us at our booth!


To evaluate sessions, you must be logged in with your Los Angeles registration credentials. Once logged in, click on the blue Evaluate this session link under the session title to complete the session evaluation.

Today's Schedule


Saturday, December 11

7:30 AM–4:00 PM

Exhibitor Registration and Conference Services

8:00–9:00 AM

Concurrent Sessions

Exhibitor Workshops

9:00 AM–12 Noon

Exhibits Open

9:30–10:30 AM

Concurrent Sessions

Exhibitor Workshops

11:00 AM–12 Noon

Concurrent Sessions

Exhibitor Workshops

12:30–1:30 PM

Concurrent Sessions

2:00–3:00 PM

Concurrent Sessions

3:15–4:15 PM

Deb L. Morrison

Featured Presentation

Fostering Joy: Designing Science Learning Around Climate Justice and Action

Thank You to our generous Conference sponsors!

National Geographic Learning

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