Community-Based Engineering

by: Tejaswini Dalvi and Kristen Wendell
edited by: Linda Froschauer

A design task helps students identify and find solutions to a school-yard problem. A module was conducted in four 90-minute sessions. Session 1, Preview module and introduce engineering with a warm-up design; Session 2, Unpack and explore the community-based problem; Session 3, Build and test solutions; and Session 4, Explain and redesign solutions. It was observed that the students increasingly took on the role of problem solvers within their community. They discovered the power of being both collaborators and critical friends and discussed other school yard problems collectively working together. Students initially thought that all of these problems required a solution to be engineered, but later concluded that some problems could be solved by mere talk and creating awareness among other students. A materials list, teacher background information, and outcomes are provided. This book selection includes the Table of Contents, Introduction, References, Internet Resource, and Index.

Grade Levels



Engineering Environmental Science STEM


Type Book ChapterPub Date 5/17/2016Pages 27Stock # PB413X_21

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