What Do You Know About Volcanoes and Earthquakes?

by: Page Keeley and Laura Tucker

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about plate tectonic features and events. The probe is designed to uncover commonly held misconceptions about volcanoes and earthquakes. If students believe that earthquakes usually cause volcanic eruptions or vice versa, have them examine maps of earthquakes and volcanoes to see that although they follow a similar pattern in their location, some earthquakes occur without being near a volcano and vice versa. This probe is best used with grades 3–12 and can be combined with the card sort or claim cards formative assessment classroom techniques. A materials list, teacher background information, references, assessment, and outcomes are provided. This book selection includes the Table of Contents, Foreword, Preface, Acknowledgments, About the Authors, Introduction, and Index.

Grade Levels

Elementary High School Middle School


Assessment Earth & Space Science Environmental Science Instructional Materials


Type Book ChapterPub Date 3/24/2016Pages 47Stock # PB355X_27

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