Model-Based Inquiry in Biology: Three-Dimensional Instructional Units for Grades 9-12
NSTA Press Book |
This book is your chance to shift the emphasis of your high school biology curriculum away from “we need to learn about this topic in order to do well in class” to “we need to figure out why or how things happen in the…
Journal Article |
Historically, undergraduate anatomy and physiology (A&P) has been a challenging course for incorporating conceptual learning techniques due to large class sizes and an emphasis on content and terminology. The…
Journal Article |
Journal Article |
Journal Article |
Supporting Three-Dimensional Learning Through Model-Based Inquiry Units and Resources
Archived Conference Session |
Professional Learning Course Module |
In this module, you will use notebook strategies through an intentionally designed learning sequence to make sense of an observable phenomenon: time zones. You will use this experience to build your…