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Connected Science Learning July-September 2018

Volume 1, Issue 7

Making Experiences That Inspire STEM Learning

The Maker Movement Is Everywhere, Including in the Current Issue of CSL

Journal Article

The Maker Movement Is Everywhere, Including in the Current Issue of CSL

Editor Dennis Schatz welcomes you to the seventh issue of Connected Science Learning, focused on STEM learning experiences through making.    ...

By Dennis Schatz

Informal Education Technology

Making Deeper Learners

Journal Article

Making Deeper Learners

Educators from the Exploratorium Tinkering Studio and the Lighthouse Community Public Schools explored how out-of-school Making and Tinkering programs could support learning that flowed into the school day.  ...

By Bronwyn Bevan, Jean J. Ryoo, Aaron Vanderwerff, Mike Petrich, and Karen Wilkinson

Informal Education

Journal Article

Through My Window


By Beth McGinnis-Cavanaugh, and Isabel Huff

Informal Education

Journal Article

Taking the Maker Experience From a Local Phenomenon to National Implementation

MAKESHOP at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh is open for all to experience hands-on building and tinkering, and their initiative has spread nationwide. ...

By Chip Lindsey, Lisa Brahms, and Kathryn Koffler

Informal Education

Journal Article

Accessible Making and Tinkering

Maker spaces and programs offer tremendous opportunities for all learners to explore new materials, expand their practical skills, think creatively, and exercise social-emotional skills such as problem-solving and collaboration. With this in mind, ...

By Charlotte Martin

Informal Education

Journal Article

Do Children Make Good Citizen Scientists?

Participating in citizen science—where members of the public collect data for use by scientists—has become popular over the past 5 to 10 years, with teachers increasingly looking to incorporate citizen science into lessons (Gray, Nicosia, and J...

By Christine L. Goforth

Informal Education

Journal Article

Place-Based Education

The Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative (GLSI) is a statewide network in Michigan that promotes rigorous place-based education experiences for K–12 students....

By Sarah Waters, Brandon Schroeder, and Tracy D'Augustino

Informal Education

Journal Article

Fabricating Fidgets to Support Inclusive Maker Education

With the goal of supporting an inclusive maker education learning experience, a science museum, university, and middle school partnered to engage students diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in an authentic design challen...

By Alexandria K. Hansen, Eric R. Hansen, and Danielle B. Harlow

Informal Education Inclusion

Journal Article

Inspiring STEM Interest Using Foldscope

The Gaining Options to College Collaborative (GO College) is a successful college mentoring program within the Erie, Pennsylvania, school district. It provides free, on-site, extracurricular resources for local high schools. Faculty members from Ga...

By Anne Schmitz, Nicholas Conklin, Quyen Aoh, and Barbara Priestap

Informal Education

Journal Article

Cocreating Transformative Change

Leveraging community to create a mobile, cultural makerspace that travels to schools, powwows, and community events throughout a Native American reservation in Montana....

By Holly Truitt, Ruth Swaney, William Swaney, Nick Wethington, and Nathalie Wolfram

Informal Education

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