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  • NSTA Daily Do: How Can We Use Data to Predict the Length of a Shadow

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  • How Can Scientists Develop A Model to Predict When and Where a Dust Storm Will Happen? - Daily Do

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  • How Can We Predict and Measure Weather Conditions at our Launch Site to Recommend a Safe Launch Date?

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  • Science Education Checklist

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    Science Education Checklist “What Should I Look for in the Science Program in My Child's School?” A Guide for Parents developed by SciMathMN Parents often ask, What can I do to support good science education? One of the most helpful things parents can do is support not only their student, but also the schools and…

  • Generation Genius

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    Generation Genius .subscribePlanHeadingSec { font-size: 2em; } .discountPrice { font-size: 5em; } .subsection { margin-bottom:1rem; } .priceDuration { padding-bottom:1rem; margin-bottom:1rem; border-bottom:#ddd 1px solid; } .boxes { width:50%; float:left; padding:0.7em…

  • Autism

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    Autism According to the Council for Exceptional Children, autism is a “spectrum disorder within a group of developmental disabilities defined by significant impairments in social interaction and communication, and by the presence of unusual behaviors and interests,” such as repetitive and stereotypic…

  • Glossary of Disability Terminology

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    Glossary of Disability Terminology Accessible: In the case of a facility, readily usable by a particular individual; in the case of a program or activity, presented or provided in such a way that a particular individual can participate, with or without auxiliary aid(s); in the case of electronic resources, accessible…

  • Motor Impaired / Orthopedic Disability

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    Motor Impaired / Orthopedic Disability James Prescott Joule (1818–1889) was an English physicist who studied thermodynamics, leading to the famous “Joule’s Law.” He was born with a spinal disorder that required him to be home schooled. Motor impaired/orthopedic disabilities include a…

  • Behavioral Disorders

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    Behavioral Disorders Behavioral disorders also known as conduct disorders are one of the most common forms of disability among children and young adults and is the most frequently cited reason for referral to mental health services. The appearance of behavioral disorders is increasing dramatically in…

  • Safety Resources for Middle/Secondary Schools

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    Safety Resources for Middle/Secondary Schools U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: The National Library of Medicine (NLM) Specialized Information Services (SIS) recently released a new Enviro-Health Links page, "Laboratory Safety," which offers links to information for clinical, academic, and school…

  • Learning Disabilities

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    Learning Disabilities A learning disability (LD) is a neurological disorder that causes difficulty in organizing information received, remembering it, and expressing it, and therefore affects a person's basic functions such as reading, writing, comprehension, and reasoning. In simple terms, a…

  • Call for Papers: Science and Children

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    Call for Papers: Science and Children Your 2000-word manuscript should describe a set of connected lessons or investigations that build an idea or content area. They should include assessments (pre-, post- and formative) as well as enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lessons in the…

  • Building Bridges

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    We describe a hands-on, collaborative activity designed to illustrate general properties of evolution, provide practice for quantitative skills, promote creativity and collaboration, and enable student self-assessment…

  • Combustion and a Jumping Flame

    Journal Article |

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