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  • NSTA District Professional Learning Packages

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    NSTA District Professional Learning Packages All NSTA Programs and modules can be delivered virtually or face-to-face. NSTA offers tailored packages of onsite presentations and workshops, online experiences, and books on popular topics—including three-dimensional instruction—for schools, districts, or states. Using a…

  • NSTA Press® Sample Chapters

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    NSTA Press® Sample Chapters Looking for Science Activities? NSTA Press publishes science activities for teachers of kindergarten through college on a wide range of topics. We've posted sample chapters and activities from our books for free download so you can look inside. Be sure to search our online bookstore for…

  • Online Connections: The Science Teacher

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    Online Connections: The Science Teacher November/December 2020 The Aurora Borealis Student Worksheet Solar wind velocity data and answer key Solar storm answer key Connecting to the Next Generation Science Standards The Lives of Staph (Idea Bank) Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C…

  • Manuscript Review Form: Science Scope

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    Your anonymous comments will be used to help the author revise the manuscript. If you have been assigned a Feature article or Column other than a Commentary to review (see Manuscript Type above), please answer…

  • Turning on the Three-Dimensional Switch

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  • ¿Qué es un Código?

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  • Developing the Next Generation of Elementary Science Teachers

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    National science education documents emphasize new learning outcomes of elementary students; therefore, the preparation of elementary teachers should be revised to meet these challenges. This article describes how…

  • Cross-Disciplinary Learning

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    We propose cross-disciplinary learning as a construct that can guide instruction and assessment in programs that feature sequential learning across multiple science disciplines. Cross-disciplinary learning combines…

  • 5E and the PEs

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  • You Don’t Have to be a Rocket Scientist

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  • Tech-Rich Approaches to Three-Dimensional Teaching

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  • Can’t Pick It Up?

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  • Exemplar Teaching Practices in STEM Courses in U.S. Universities

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    Based on the largest multi-institutional observational study of undergraduate courses in the United States, this article describes exemplar teaching practices in engineering courses as an interdisciplinary science field…

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