Assessing Performance Expectations
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A note from the Editor about this issue's theme
What to Expect With Group Work
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Instructors who wish to take advantage of the benefits of collaborative group work often hesitate over concerns about conflict or problems that arise between students. There are no estimates of the level of conflict…
How to Read the Next Generation Science Standards
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How to Read the Next Generation Science Standards The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are distinct from prior science standards in three essential ways. 1) Performance. Prior standards documents listed what students should “know” or “understand.” These ideas needed to be translated into performances that could…
Collaborating to Improve Performance Expectations
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Jessica Tetreault and I were the only two middle school teachers at a recent conference, so we were paired to create a common performance assessment that we could both use with our students in the coming months. She…
All Performance Expectations resources
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Exploring the Role of Student Seating Preference and Performance in a Large Introductory STEM Course
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Most introductory courses are held in large lecture halls, with students typically sitting in either the front, middle, or back of the classroom. In a mixed-methods study of student attendance, performance, and seat…
How to Design a Performance Task
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Follow a sequence of steps to develop an authentic performance task.
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To transition introductory college science courses from large, passive lectures to more student-centered learning environments, additional instructional support is needed. Peer learning assistants (PLAs) can support…
How Are the Standards Different?
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How Are the Standards Different? New Standards for a New Generation In April 2013, the science education community welcomed Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The voluntary standards describe important scientific ideas and practices that all students should learn by the time they leave…
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Behavioral Disorders Behavioral disorders also known as conduct disorders are one of the most common forms of disability among children and young adults and is the most frequently cited reason for referral to mental health services. The appearance of behavioral disorders is increasing dramatically in…
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Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) are an alternative pedagogical approach to the apprenticeship model for high-impact research immersion experiences. A W.M. Keck-funded Research Immersion Program…
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This study presents a quasi-experiment to assess differences in student performance and satisfaction between two different delivery modes—online and face-to-face education. We collected data from 747 (373 face-to-face…
Safer Handling of Alcohol in the Laboratory
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Safer Handling of Alcohol in the Laboratory The use of alcohol is quite common in biology and chemistry laboratories. Because of its flammability and toxicity, it is imperative that teachers understand how to use it safely, especially in light of the serious injuries that have occurred due to the…
National Conference on Science Education Philadelphia 2025 Professional Learning Institute 5
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National Conference on Science Education Philadelphia 2025 Professional Learning Institute 5 Full-Day WorkshopCreating Instructionally Supportive Assessment Tasks to Support 3D-LearningPreconference • Wednesday, March 26 • 8:15 AM - 3:15 PMAll participants will receive...Breakfast and Lunch GA4ViewItem(…