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Connected Science Learning April-June 2019

Volume 1, Issue 10

Serving Youth With Special Needs

Journal Article

Serving Youth With Special Needs

In the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education community, we are well aware that “the representation of certain groups of people in science and engineering education and employment differs from their representation in the U.S....

By Beth Murphy

Informal Education Disabilities Equity Inclusion STEM

Growing the CSL Community

Journal Article

Growing the CSL Community

In this discussion, Field Editor Beth Murphy, NSTA Executive Director David Evans, and ASTC President and CEO Cristin Dorgelo discuss the origins of Connected Science Learning, and what’s next for the journal. The conversation has been edited for...

By Beth Murphy, David L. Evans, and Cristin Dorgelo

Informal Education Disabilities Inclusion

Journal Article

STEMing the Flow for All

Students with special needs traditionally have fewer opportunities to engage in hands-on learning during science class (Melber and Brown 2008). The reasons for this vary, but typically stem from teacher misconceptions about the types of activities ...

By Brent Gilles, Tim Hawig, Ashley Sutton, and Stacey Britton

Informal Education Disabilities Environmental Science Inclusion

Mining Science Capital

Journal Article

Mining Science Capital

“It was a perfect day. I was impressed with the students’ curiosity, questions, and seriousness about volcanic rocks and how engaged and focused they were for the entire day,” said American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) scientist and curator...

By Cristina Trowbridge

Informal Education Disabilities Inclusion Preservice Science Education

Journal Article

Youth With Disabilities

Bold innovations in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. Brilliant hacks for the digital divide. Breakthroughs in maternal health care to reduce infant mortality....

By Linda Kekelis

Informal Education Disabilities Inclusion STEM

Journal Article

Making On and Off the Spectrum

People have been making since the first human used a tool, and have continued to create things for both fun and function. From building model trains to quilting, from woodworking to baking, people have for centuries been enriching their own lives by ...

By Wendy Martin, Regan Vidiksis, Kristie Patten Koenig, and Yu-Lun Chen

Informal Education Disabilities Engineering Technology

Journal Article

The BEST Partnership Program

People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) become more widely recognized as part of our population every year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, about 1 in 59 c...

By Katie Slivensky, Ellen Cohn, Alexander Lussenhop, and Christina Moscat

Informal Education Disabilities

Journal Article

Design an Amusement Park

In the last two decades, precollege engineering education has become more prevalent. At the same time, the number of children diagnosed with autism is rapidly growing. Over half a million children with autism will enter adulthood in the next decade...

By Hoda Ehsan, Elizabeth Gajdzik, and Monica Cardella

Informal Education Disabilities Engineering Interdisciplinary

Journal Article

Better Together

When ExpandED Schools, a nonprofit based in New York, began planning a new STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) initiative three years ago, it started by taking a closer look at the existing science programming happening in its network...

By Lizzie Murchison and Emma Banay

Informal Education Disabilities

Journal Article

Inspiring Middle School Young Women to Achieve STEM Careers Through a Nature-Based Summer Mentorship Program

Innovation and progress in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) workforce is critical to the growth of the United States in the global economy (NRC 2007). Men are more likely to pursue a degree in STEM fields, with almost 27% of ma...

By Sarah Rhodes-Ondi, and Maryam Ghadiri

Middle School Informal Education Earth & Space Science STEM

Journal Article

Using Virtual Reality in the Classroom for Students on the Autism Spectrum

Virtual reality has seen rapid development in the first part of the 21st century, although it has been around for many years. Remember the old ViewMasters? And who could forget the first time a sea monster reached out to grab you while you were wea...

By Wyayn Rasmussen, and Kate Drechsler

Informal Education Disabilities Inclusion Teaching Strategies Technology

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