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  • Intellectual Disabilities

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    Intellectual Disabilities Introduction Students with intellectual disabilities are identified by exhibiting the following criteria: Sub-average intellectual ability (IQ 70 or lower) Problems in adaptive functioning Manifested before the age of 18 General Strategies Identify science role…

  • Creating a Classroom Culture that Supports Equitable Science Learning Speed Sharing

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    Collection associated with "Speed Sharing: Creating a Classroom Culture that Supports Equitable Science Learning" session from ATL National Conference

  • Creating a Classroom Culture that Supports Equitable Science Learning Speed Sharing

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    Collection associated with "Speed Sharing: Creating a Classroom Culture that Supports Equitable Science Learning" session from ATL National Conference

  • Communication Disorders

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    Communication Disorders Communication Disorders involve a wide variety of problems in speech, language, and hearing. For example, speech and language disorders include stuttering, aphasia, dysfluency, voice disorders (hoarseness, breathiness, or sudden breaks in loudness or pitch), cleft lip and/or…

  • How does a parachute’s design affect the speed of descent and landing location of a model rocket?

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  • How Do NASCAR Race Cars Come to a Stop After Moving at Speeds Over 200 MPH?

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  • Motor Impaired / Orthopedic Disability

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    Motor Impaired / Orthopedic Disability James Prescott Joule (1818–1889) was an English physicist who studied thermodynamics, leading to the famous “Joule’s Law.” He was born with a spinal disorder that required him to be home schooled. Motor impaired/orthopedic disabilities include a…

  • Learning Disabilities

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    Learning Disabilities A learning disability (LD) is a neurological disorder that causes difficulty in organizing information received, remembering it, and expressing it, and therefore affects a person's basic functions such as reading, writing, comprehension, and reasoning. In simple terms, a…

  • Visual Impairments

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    Visual Impairments Students with visual impairments include those with low vision and those who are blind. Students who are blind may use Braille to read. Students with low vision tend to read print, may use optical devices, or may also read Braille like their peers who are blind. Both students who…

  • Sphero Robots and the Periodic Table

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    Students review the periodic table by coding robots.

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