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Data analysis using open data and software reveal environment-mediated microbial heterogeneity in soil and sediment samples, while enhancing STEM research experience at an undergraduate institution

Journal Article

Data analysis using open data and software reveal environment-mediated microbial heterogeneity in soil and sediment samples, while enhancing STEM research experience at an undergraduate institution

Undergraduate institutions serve as stepping stones to a student’s career. Teaching and learning in the science classrooms requires quality and inte...

By Aditi Sengupta, Nallely Delara, Joyce Barahona, and Justin Garcia

Postsecondary Earth & Space Science Research STEM

A Residential Learning Community for Enhancing STEM Education: Program Design and Lessons Learned

Journal Article

A Residential Learning Community for Enhancing STEM Education: Program Design and Lessons Learned

There continues to be a concern regarding sustained recruitment and retention of students in STEM majors. Although the rate of attrition in these majo...

By Jessica M. Fautch

Postsecondary Pedagogy Research STEM

Application of retesting as a learning tool in an online science course

Journal Article

Application of retesting as a learning tool in an online science course

Retrieval practice has been proved effective in conceptual science learning and retesting was applied in retrieval practice and showed significant imp...

By Qunxing Ding and Haiyan Zhu

Postsecondary Distance Learning STEM Teaching Strategies

The illogical leap to summative without formative: Low-risk assessments of high-risk students in human anatomy and physiology classes

Journal Article

The illogical leap to summative without formative: Low-risk assessments of high-risk students in human anatomy and physiology classes

Nationally, students fail anatomy and physiology courses at some of the highest rates compared to other courses at the undergraduate level. Formative ...

By Amy Benton and Drew Hataway

Postsecondary Assessment Equity Teaching Strategies

Here and there: A novel hybrid remote/in-person college-level science lab model at a small primarily undergraduate institution

Journal Article

Here and there: A novel hybrid remote/in-person college-level science lab model at a small primarily undergraduate institution

Moving to remote, online learning to meet local and national health guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic posed a challenge for college science cour...

By Matthew Lundquist and Ann Aguanno

Postsecondary Distance Learning Labs Technology

Teaching Trees: Revisions to an inquiry-based, service-learning field lab broadens student learning and better aligns to learning outcomes.

Journal Article

Teaching Trees: Revisions to an inquiry-based, service-learning field lab broadens student learning and better aligns to learning outcomes.

Most introductory science courses are large, lecture-style general education classes. Introduction to Environmental Science (ES 100) at NC State Unive...

By Stephanie Jeffries

Postsecondary Environmental Science Inquiry Labs Learning Progression

The Micro Assignment Guided Inquiry and Collaboration (MAGIC) method: A qualitative discussion of the benefits of active learning through scaffolded assignments in upper-level physics and mathematics

Journal Article

The Micro Assignment Guided Inquiry and Collaboration (MAGIC) method: A qualitative discussion of the benefits of active learning through scaffolded assignments in upper-level physics and mathematics

In this article, we discuss Micro Assignment Guided Inquiry and Collaboration (MAGIC), an active learning method that draws on the merits of inquiry-b...

By R.F. Malenda, S. Talbott, and Scott Walck

Postsecondary Inquiry Instructional Materials Mathematics Physics Teaching Strategies

Local Ecosystem Observation Cycle: Supporting Preservice Elementary Teachers Engagement in Sensemaking

Journal Article

Local Ecosystem Observation Cycle: Supporting Preservice Elementary Teachers Engagement in Sensemaking

Equitable sensemaking enables students to draw on personal resources to investigate and explain phenomena and problems within their communities. Altho...

By Jessica Stephenson Reaves and Anna Arias

Postsecondary Environmental Science Inquiry Preservice Science Education Sensemaking

Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Online Teamwork Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Journal Article

Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Online Teamwork Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was suddenly necessary to shift college courses online. Many instructors without experience teaching online were face...

By Tracy Ediger, Olga Glebova, Michael Waterson, and Matthew Nusnbaum

Postsecondary Distance Learning Inquiry Pedagogy

Authentic assessments for an in-person or online science course for pre-service teachers

Journal Article

Authentic assessments for an in-person or online science course for pre-service teachers

Creating authentic science assessments that engage students in conceptual understanding and provide evidence of their learning is challenging. Student...

By Stefany M. Sit and Laura Zeller

Postsecondary Assessment Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

A Process for Scaling an Independent Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience: Lessons Learned from Expansion of the Tigriopus CURE to Diverse Institutions

Journal Article

A Process for Scaling an Independent Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience: Lessons Learned from Expansion of the Tigriopus CURE to Diverse Institutions

Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) increase student engagement in scientific practices and allow students to generate novel findi...

By Ginger R. Fisher, Kevin W. Floyd, and Jeffrey T. Olimpo

Postsecondary Biology Preservice Science Education STEM

A mixed-methods study of a poster presentation activity, students’ science identity, and science communication self-efficacy in face-to-face teaching conditions

Journal Article

A mixed-methods study of a poster presentation activity, students’ science identity, and science communication self-efficacy in face-to-face teaching conditions

Communicating scientific findings is an accepted part of the research experience, but few science programs include explicit undergraduate curricula fo...

By E. Austin Leone and Donald P. French

Postsecondary Instructional Materials Pedagogy Research

Introducing a sequence of (almost) unlimited, zero-penalty, interview-like assessments into an introductory physics course: student responses and considerations.

Journal Article

Introducing a sequence of (almost) unlimited, zero-penalty, interview-like assessments into an introductory physics course: student responses and considerations.

An introductory physics course may be run like a video game, where students have an almost unlimited number of attempts to demonstrate their competenc...

By Minjoon Kouh

Postsecondary Assessment Physics Research

Sensing in Animals and Robots: Collaborative, Transdisciplinary Learning in an Undergraduate Science Course

Journal Article

Sensing in Animals and Robots: Collaborative, Transdisciplinary Learning in an Undergraduate Science Course

Transdisciplinary learning—where students develop and apply knowledge from multiple disciplines to solve open-ended problems—is necessary to prepa...

By Anna DeJarnette, Stephanie Rollmann, Dieter Vanderelst, John Layne, Anna Hutchinson

Postsecondary Biology Engineering Interdisciplinary Robotics STEM Technology

Implementing Universal Design for Learning in the Higher Education Science Classroom

Journal Article

Implementing Universal Design for Learning in the Higher Education Science Classroom

There is a growing need for college science faculty to teach a diverse group of learners. The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework can be use...

By Breanne Kirsch, Theodore Bryan, David Hoferer

Postsecondary Inclusion Leadership Pedagogy Professional Learning Teaching Strategies

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