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Journal of College Science Teaching—September/October 2022


Journal Article

Catalyzing the Advancement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Chemical Education

Only a relatively small number of students from underrepresented groups enter the field of chemistry, complete their degrees, and enter the workforce. There are ethical and practical concerns when we lose out on diversifying the chemical sciences and...

By Reginald Rogers and Todd Pagano

Chemistry Equity Inclusion Multicultural Social Justice

Journal Article

Teaching and Learning About Global Climate Change Online

Sessions of our laboratory-based physics course have been “meeting” synchronously online instead of on campus due to the pandemic. Shifting to remote instruction prompted us to create online versions of the course....

By Emily van Zee, Elizabeth Gire, Kelby T. Hahn, and Mackenzie Belden

Climate Change Distance Learning Earth & Space Science Teaching Strategies Technology

Journal Article

That’s How the Kangaroo Bounces

A growing number of Introductory Physics for Life Sciences courses have been developed to prepare biology, premedicine, and pre-health majors for cross-disciplinary connections between physical principles and biological systems. Many students find it...

By Erin M. Craig, Sydney Galbreath, Timothy Sorey, and Derek Ricketson

Biology Instructional Materials Interdisciplinary Physical Science

Journal Article

A Course-Based Research and Teaching Experience for Science Majors and Preservice Educators

We designed a course to provide undergraduate science students and preservice teachers with authentic research and teaching experiences. Teams of students and preservice teachers complete supervised field ecology research projects and develop teachin...

By Timothy Stewart, Janette Thompson, Kristina Tank, Joanne Olson, Michael Rentz, and Peter Wolter

Preservice Science Education Research Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Reflections on Multimodal Delivery of a Laboratory Course for Nonscience Majors and Opportunities for Improved Student Engagement

A rudimentary level of scientific literacy is necessary in the general public. At the undergraduate level, this literacy can be achieved through general education courses offered in areas of natural sciences. Over the past several years, practical co...

By Mark Vincent dela Cerna

General Science Interdisciplinary Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Aligning Undergraduate Science Curricula With Three-Dimensional Learning

Recent science reform advocates for the inclusion of engineering design to teach science and represents a shift to so-called three-dimensional (3D) learning. This shift often requires science instructors to adapt their current curriculum to integrate...

By Jeffrey Radloff, Brenda Capobianco, Jessica Weller, Sanjay Rebello, David Eichinger, and Kendra Erk

Postsecondary Disciplinary Core Ideas NGSS Pedagogy Science and Engineering Practices Three-Dimensional Learning

Journal Article

Active Learning Classrooms

Active learning classrooms (ALCs) are designed to support collaborative learning in large class sections that are often taught with a lecture format. Studies on ALCs indicate that they have positive influences on student learning, but the same studie...

By Carolyn Hushman, Aurora Pun, and Sushilla Knottenbelt

New Science Teachers Pedagogy Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

A Design Heuristic for Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Students reasoning with data in an authentic science environment had the opportunity to learn about the process of science and the world around them while developing skills to analyze and interpret self-collected and secondhand data. Our results show...

By Sandra Swenson, Yi He, Heather Boyd, and Kate Schowe Good

Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies Technology

Journal Article

Science Identity and Its Implications for STEM Retention and Career Aspirations Through a Research-Based First-Year Biology Seminar

There are more STEM jobs than there are qualified graduates to fill these positions, and recruiting students into STEM majors is insufficient. Of students who enter college intending to pursue STEM, nearly half do not finish their STEM degrees. In th...

By Krista L. Lucas and Alexis D. Spina

Biology Careers STEM Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Recent Developments in Classroom Observation Protocols for Undergraduate STEM

Over the past decade, researchers have developed several teaching observation protocols for use in higher education, such as the Teaching Dimensions Observation Protocol (TDOP), Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS), Practical...

By Joan Esson, Paul Wendel, Anna Young, Meredith Frey, and Kathryn Plank

Pedagogy STEM Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Cross-Disciplinary Learning

We propose cross-disciplinary learning as a construct that can guide instruction and assessment in programs that feature sequential learning across multiple science disciplines. Cross-disciplinary learning combines insights from interdisciplinary lea...

By Emily Borda, Todd Haskell, and Andrew Boudreaux

Crosscutting Concepts Curriculum Interdisciplinary

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