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Ideas and Misconceptions


Ideas and Misconceptions

Misconceptions are ideas that are inconsistent with current scientific views. They are at times difficult to detect and difficult to change. Misconcep...

Early Childhood Elementary Pre-service Teachers Engineering General Science STEM

Protecting Earth's Resources and Environment


Protecting Earth's Resources and Environment

Standard 5-ESS3-1: Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth's resources and environment...

Elementary Earth & Space Science Engineering

Exploring the Patterns of Earth/Space


Exploring the Patterns of Earth/Space

These resources are to help students understand the relationships and patterns between the length of day, night, shadows, and the appearance of season...

Elementary Earth & Space Science Engineering Mathematics STEM

Exploring the Patterns of Earth/Space


Exploring the Patterns of Earth/Space

These resources are to help students understand the relationships and patterns between the length of day, night, shadows, and the appearance of season...

Elementary Earth & Space Science Engineering Mathematics STEM

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